
The description of the 17th-century Flemish handwoven tapestry titled "Battle over Jerusalem" paints a vivid historical scene. This remarkable piece likely showcases a visually captivating depiction of the intense battle between the crusaders and Muslims vying for control over Jerusalem.

Tapestries from this period were renowned for their intricate detailing and vivid storytelling, often portraying historical events or religious narratives with immense artistry. The depiction of this significant battle would have been crafted meticulously, showcasing the clash of cultures and the intensity of the conflict.

With its historical significance and artistic grandeur, this Flemish tapestry not only serves as a stunning piece of wall decor but also stands as a captivating representation of historical events and cultural narratives from the 17th century.

Belguim, Circa 1670


Width: 198"
Height: 120"

‘Flemish tapestry’ at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries meant primarily Brussels tapestry; the city had become the principal center for tapestry weaving, with a character and technique quite unlike that in other workshops

Novel characteristics too were the search for perfection, recognizable in the earliest works attributed, probably rightly, to Brussels, and a bias towards painting.


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